2 min read

i need to know everything about modern technology so im starting with the bit


I'm starting to realize that if you want to be a domain expert in anything technology or IT-related, you also have to have some general grasp of electrical engineering and math.

So, in my quest to learn about this field, I will start writing about my newly acquired knowledge. (and hopefully retain the knowledge)

the smallest unit of data is a bit.

Bit stands for binary digit. Binary digits are 0 and 1.

I'm gonna use CPUs as an example because it's the most important part of a computer. From an electrical engineering perspective, a bit works like this. (Very dumbed down I know)

  • Low voltage is a logical 0 (close to 0V)
  • A higher voltage is a logical 1 (0.8V to 1.5V)

A CPU is made up of millions of transistors. A transistor controls the flow of electricity.

this is a transmitter

On the most basic level, they are connected to a power source (think battery), a load (think light bulb), and a control signal (this is the gate that stays shut or opens to let electricity flow, runs on a lower current)

All of these transistors are either "on" or "off".

A transistor in its initial state is off. Like a light bulb. No light whatsoever. Representing a "0"

When you apply a higher voltage to the transistor - opening the control signal - it turns on. We have light. Now the transistor represents a "1"

This "1" is constantly charged with the higher voltage to be refreshed. Until it is not needed anymore.

Note that this is very very very very basic. I will get back to this blog post once I know more. And maybe (hopefully) i'll realise how dumb I was back then.

i understand the basics now but here are some sources I used to finally get it to click

80% of my transistor knowledge came from this

What Is a Transistor? (Definition, How It Works, Example) | Built In
A transistor is a semiconductor that amplifies or switches electronic signals. Transistors serve as the basic building blocks of modern electronics.

basically the video in text form and has some examples of how it is used in different industries

What Is Moore’s Law and Is It Still True?
Moore’s Law refers to Gordon Moore’s observation that the number of transistors on a single chip would double every two years at minimal costs.